Soluciones Digitales
Soluciones inmediatas para tu negocio, herramientas, procesos, aplicaciones y servicios de gestión y facturación.

Crear, generar y gestionar facturas.
We offer you a complete application to manage your invoices quickly, efficiently and controlled. You can use it on mobile devices, although it is more effective if you manage it from a computer, it is a professional application that allows you to store and manage your products or services, customer and supplier data, generate reports and personalize reports.

CRM: encuentre clientes adecuados, establezca relaciones sostenibles, reduzca los costos de ventas.
We offer the application to manage your clients in the best way, be able to attract them and guarantee the sale of your products or services. For this we help you create a Website with all the information about your business, we link it to your social networks and we link it to the CRM, the application that will allow you to obtain new clients and you will be able to carry out your digital marketing campaigns.

Shipping and parcel management
Centralized application that manages invoices, package shipments, sales, CRM. We offer application development and implementation services. With this application you can guarantee the control of clients, packages and sales of your business, as well as manage other processes of your company such as employee contracts, human resources, website, e-commerce and much more.

Diseños de imágenes digitales.
Podrás conseguir todos los diseños para las imágenes de tu negocio: Logotipos, banners, carteles para redes sociales, menú, íconos, tarjetas de presentación y más.
Los precios de estos servicios son por ajustes o paquetes:
-100$ Es el costo del paquete empresarial que incluye: diseño de logotipo o marca, faveicon, tarjeta de presentación digital, un cartel promocional para redes sociales (Facebook e Instagram) y un flyer.